* STRIVE WorldWIDE * → *2024 STRIVE WorldWIDE Courses*

Personal Safety (9-16-24 TTH7p)

Your personal safety is our top priority! In this course, you will learn tips and tricks for staying safe wherever you are: in your home, outside, even on the internet. You will get to practice keeping your passwords secure and recognizing and reacting to risky situations, like internet scams. Learn about safety related to your health, preventative care, medication management, and more, and leave this class with more confidence in staying safe. Remember, safety first!

This course will run from 9/16 - 10/20/2024
Seminars will meet on Tuesday and Thursday from 7-8p ET

Start Date: 09/16/2024 End Date: 10/20/2024

  • This course is locked until.... 100d
  • Course Homepage
  • Course Overview
  • 20 Questions Game (Check-In)
  • Seminar Information
  • Unit 1: Introduction to Safety
  • Unit 1 Introduction
  • Types of Safety
  • Safety & Risk
  • Stop. Think. Choose.
  • Boundaries
  • Circle of Support
  • "Don't Leave Without It" & Identification Card
  • UNIT 2: Internet Safety
  • Unit 2 Introduction
  • Internet Safety Basics
  • Public vs Private & Password Protection
  • Play Cyber 5
  • Evaluating and Understanding Websites
  • Social Media
  • Play Band Runner to See How You'd Handle Social Media Situations
  • Cyberbullying
  • Optional: Play Interland (Kind Kingdom) and Get Rid of Bullies & Spread Kindness
  • UNIT 3: Internet Safety
  • Unit 3 Introduction
  • Keeping Information Online Secure
  • Which Harry Potter Character Are You?
  • More on Social Media!
  • Recognizing a Scam
  • Gone Phishing
  • Optional: Phishing Game by Google
  • Unwanted Attention: Sexting & Cyberbullying
  • UNIT 4: Medical & Emergency Safety
  • Unit 4 Introduction
  • Emergency or Non-Emergency?
  • First Responders
  • What You Need to Know About 911
  • First Aid Kits
  • In Case of Emergency... Let's Get Prepared!
  • Create A Household Emergency Plan
  • Resource: Personal Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities
  • UNIT 5: Physical & Body Safety
  • Unit 5 Introduction
  • Last Week of Class!
  • Preventative Care
  • Doctor, ER, or Urgent Care?
  • Medication
  • Bringing it All Together
  • 20 Questions Game (Check-Out)
  • Congratulations, you have completed the course! Please provide us with feedback.
  • Upcoming Courses
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "20 Questions Game (Check-In), Unit 1 Introduction, Types of Safety, Safety & Risk, Stop. Think. Choose., Boundaries, Circle of Support, "Don't Leave Without It" & Identification Card, Unit 2 Introduction, Internet Safety Basics, Public vs Private & Password Protection, Play Cyber 5, Evaluating and Understanding Websites, Social Media, Play Band Runner to See How You'd Handle Social Media Situations, Cyberbullying, Unit 3 Introduction, Keeping Information Online Secure, Which Harry Potter Character Are You?, More on Social Media!, Recognizing a Scam, Gone Phishing, Unwanted Attention: Sexting & Cyberbullying, Unit 4 Introduction, Emergency or Non-Emergency?, First Responders, What You Need to Know About 911, First Aid Kits, In Case of Emergency... Let's Get Prepared!, Create A Household Emergency Plan, Unit 5 Introduction, Last Week of Class!, Preventative Care, Doctor, ER, or Urgent Care?, Medication, Bringing it All Together, 20 Questions Game (Check-Out)"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever