* STRIVE WorldWIDE * → *2024 STRIVE WorldWIDE Courses*

Internet Safety (9-16-24TTH 1p)

The internet is a wild and wonderful place, and it can also be scary if we're not cautious! In this course you and your peers will learn how to keep you and your information safe while surfing the web, using social media and even shopping online. We'll practice recognizing scams, building strong passwords, and setting strong security preferences. We'll even discuss damage control- how to undo small mistakes when we can.

This course will run from 9/16 - 10/20/2024
Seminars will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-2 PM ET.

Instructor: Sara Brown, sbrown@pslstrive.org

By the end of this course students should be able to:
Recognize the importance of and create strong passwords
Differentiate between public and private information
Define safe and responsible use of social networking and technology.
Identify common internet based scams and explain how to avoid them
Apply “damage control” techniques to repair minor mistakes.
Describe the impact of screen time on health and time management
Recognize and respond appropriately to cyber bullying
Recognize dangers of meeting online friends in real life and explain how to meet in the safest manner possible
  • Course Information
  • Course Information
  • 20 Questions Game (Check-In)
  • Seminar Information & Recordings
  • Weekly Seminars
  • Unit 1: Public, Private, and Passwords!
  • Unit 1 Overview
  • Public, Private, Secure
  • Password Protection
  • Keeping Information Online Secure
  • 2-Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Play Tower of Treasure (optional game)
  • Update Your Password
  • This Unit Will Remain Locked until 9/23/24 100d
  • Unit 2: Social Media
  • Unit 2 Overview
  • What Do You Post on Social Media?
  • Account Settings
  • Healthy Social Media
  • More on Social Media!
  • Stop. Think. Choose.
  • Play Band Runner to See How You'd Handle Social Media Situations (clone)
  • What Would You Say?
  • Unit 3: Scram, Scams!
  • Unit 3 Overview
  • Recognizing a Scam
  • Scram Scams
  • Gone Phishing
  • Clocking AI
  • Recognizing Social Media Scams
  • Public Service Announcement
  • Unit 4: Damage Control
  • Unit 4 Overview
  • Damage Control
  • Deleting
  • Apologizing
  • Damage Control On Devices or Accounts
  • Stop. Think. Choose. Practice
  • Unit 5: Health and Safety
  • Unit 5 Overview
  • Balancing Your Screen Time
  • Social & Digital Boundaries
  • Cyberbullying
  • Optional: Play Interland (Kind Kingdom) and Get Rid of Bullies & Spread Kindness (clone)
  • Unwanted Attention: Sexting & Cyberbullying
  • Online & IRL (In Real Life)
  • 20 Questions Game (Check-Out)
  • Upcoming Courses
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "20 Questions Game (Check-In), Unit 1 Overview, Public, Private, Secure, Password Protection, Keeping Information Online Secure, 2-Factor Authentication (2FA), Update Your Password, Unit 2 Overview, What Do You Post on Social Media?, Account Settings, Healthy Social Media, More on Social Media!, Stop. Think. Choose., What Would You Say?, Unit 3 Overview, Recognizing a Scam, Scram Scams, Gone Phishing, Clocking AI, Recognizing Social Media Scams, Public Service Announcement, Unit 4 Overview, Damage Control, Deleting, Apologizing, Damage Control On Devices or Accounts, Stop. Think. Choose. Practice, Unit 5 Overview, Balancing Your Screen Time, Social & Digital Boundaries, Cyberbullying, Unwanted Attention: Sexting & Cyberbullying, Online & IRL (In Real Life), 20 Questions Game (Check-Out)"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever