* STRIVE WorldWIDE * → *2024 STRIVE WorldWIDE Courses*

Healthy You (10-28-24MW330)

Being healthy is more than just not being sick! In this course, you will learn about the power of physical activity, sleep, food, connection, and healthy relationships in your healthy life. You will get to practice habits that can help to reduce stress and create a personalized plan for keeping your body, mind, and spirit healthy. Welcome to Healthy You!

This course will run from 10/28 - 12/1/2024
Seminars will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:30pm, Eastern

Instructor: Sara Brown, SBrown@pslstrive.org

By the end of this course, users should be able to...

1) Recognize the different elements of living a healthy life (body, mind, spirit)
2) Describe the importance of physical activity, sleep, and the food you put in your body
3) Recognize how the food you put into your body impacts how you feel mentally.
4) Identify what stress feels like in your body & mind.
5) Practice daily habits that can help to reduce stress, including meditation and mindfulness practices
6) Recognize the importance of connection and healthy relationship to fuel your spirit.
7) Identify a personalized plan for a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

Start Date: 10/28/2024 End Date: 12/01/2024

  • This course is locked until... 100d
  • Course Homepage
  • Healthy You Course Overview
  • 20 Questions Game (Check-In)
  • Seminar Information & Recordings
  • Weekly Seminars (to be updated every term)
  • Unit 1: Introduction, Goals, and Habits
  • Unit 1 Introduction
  • What is Wellness?
  • SMART Goals
  • Habits
  • Tiny Habits Towards Your Goals
  • Practicing New Habits
  • Set a Tiny, SMART Goal of Your Own
  • UNIT 2: Healthy Body Nutrition
  • Unit 2 Introduction
  • Nutrition
  • Why Is Nutrition Important?
  • Healthy Food Choices
  • Noticing Your Food Mood
  • Share Your Favorite Recipe
  • UNIT 3: Healthy Body Movement & Hygiene
  • Unit 3 Introduction
  • Brain Rules
  • Get Moving!
  • Hygiene
  • Sleep: ZZZZzzzzzzzz.....
  • What Have You Done For Movement This Week?
  • UNIT 4: Healthy Mind
  • Unit 4 Introduction
  • Your Attitude of Gratitude
  • Ahhhh! Stress!!!
  • Meditation
  • Trying Different Types of Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Trying Different Types of Meditation: Mindfulness Meditation
  • UNIT 5: Healthy Spirit
  • Unit 5 Introduction
  • Feelings, Emotions, & Overlappers
  • Connection
  • Trying Different Types of Meditation: Loving Kindness
  • Values, Goals, and Priorities
  • What Fuels Your Spirit?
  • 20 Questions Game (Check-Out)
  • Congratulations! You have completed the course! Please provide us with feedback
  • Upcoming Courses
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Unit 1 Introduction, What is Wellness?, Habits, Set a Tiny, SMART Goal of Your Own, Practicing New Habits, Unit 2 Introduction, Nutrition, Healthy Food Choices, Sleep: ZZZZzzzzzzzz....., Unit 3 Introduction, Brain Rules, Ahhhh! Stress!!!, Your Attitude of Gratitude, Get Moving!, Noticing Your Food Mood, Unit 4 Introduction, Values, Goals, and Priorities, Connection, Meditation, Trying Different Types of Meditation, Mindfulness, Hygiene, Unit 5 Introduction"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever