* STRIVE WorldWIDE * → *2024 STRIVE WorldWIDE Courses*

First Aid Basics (Non-Certification) (10-28-24 TTH 7p)

Have you ever wondered what is and is not an emergency? When you should or should not call 9-1-1? How to decide if you should go to the doctor, a walk-in clinic, urgent care, or the emergency room? What even is urgent care? We'll talk about all this and more in our new class. We will focus on useable information like how to tell if an area is safe before running in to help--you can't help anyone if you get hurt too! We'll talk about how and when to call for emergency services and how to clearly relay information to first responders without panicking. Please note: this is NOT a first aid/CPR certification course.

This course will run from 10/28 - 12/1/2024
Seminars will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-8p, Eastern

Instructor: Sara Brown, sbrown@pslstrive.org

By the end of this course, users should be able to...
-Identify situations that require first aid response
-Assess an environment for safety
-Communicate effectively with 911/emergency medical services
-Recognize common medical, injury, and environmental emergencies
-Practice decision-making when responding to emergencies
-Explain the difference between emergency and non-emergency needs
-Identify personal baselines, preventative care, and health irregularities

Start Date: 10/28/2024 End Date: 12/01/2024

  • Course Information
  • Check In
  • Course Overview
  • Seminar Information & Recordings
  • Weekly Seminars
  • Unit 1: First Aid Basics
  • Unit 1 Introduction
  • Types of Emergencies
  • Citizen Responder
  • Assessing a Scene for Safety
  • Communicating with Emergency Services
  • Health & Emergency Services Near You
  • Unit 2: Medical Emergencies
  • Unit 2 Introduction
  • Strokes
  • Heart Attack
  • Diabetes
  • Seizure
  • Breathing Problems
  • Let's Practice What We Learned About Medical Emergencies!
  • Unit 3: Injury Emergencies
  • Unit 3 Introduction
  • Bleeding Injuries
  • Head Injuries
  • Sprains & Strains
  • Breaks & Dislocations
  • Unit 4: Environmental Emergencies
  • Unit 4 Introduction
  • Burns
  • Allergies
  • Temperature Related
  • Poison
  • Bites & Stings
  • Unit 5: Preparation, Prevention, & Self Care
  • Unit 5 Introduction
  • What's In A First Aid Kit?
  • What's Your Baseline?
  • Who Do You Go To For Care?
  • Preventative Care
  • Self-Care
  • Self-Care BINGO
  • Let's Get Prepared
  • Check Out
  • Congratulations, you have completed the course! Please provide us with feedback.
  • Upcoming Courses
  • Have You Signed Up for your next course? 100d
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Check In, Unit 1 Introduction, Types of Emergencies, Citizen Responder, Assessing a Scene for Safety, Communicating with Emergency Services, Health & Emergency Services Near You, Unit 2 Introduction, Strokes, Heart Attack, Diabetes, Seizure, Breathing Problems, Let's Practice What We Learned About Medical Emergencies!, Unit 3 Introduction, Bleeding Injuries, Head Injuries, Sprains & Strains, Breaks & Dislocations, Unit 4 Introduction, Burns, Allergies, Temperature Related, Poison, Bites & Stings, Unit 5 Introduction, What's In A First Aid Kit?, What's Your Baseline?, Who Do You Go To For Care?, Preventative Care, Self-Care, Self-Care BINGO, Let's Get Prepared, Check Out"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever